Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Surviving, Naturally

These days there seems to be a lot of hype about preparing for a major disaster scenario.  Although the methods vary, many of these "preppers" essentially stockpile as much food and ammunition as possible and wait for the cataclysmic event they so anticipate.  While that may be a great start, I think they would be better off preparing by acquiring skills that will help them survive long after the canned rations have dwindled.    Things like trap setting, fire starting, tool fashioning, and shelter building can all be done without the aid of man made objects. All of our absolute necessities can be extracted from the natural environment, it's just a matter of learning how.

Becoming an expert on these survival skills will take longer than the month or so I have left in class.  However, I intend this blog to be a record of my own experience attempting to learn some of these skills.  I will post updates with news of my progress as time goes on, as well as any difficulties I'm sure to encounter.  Feel free to comment, and to try any of these techniques yourself.

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